North Country Cheviots & Scottish Halfbreds
Commercial North Country Cheviot Ewe
Scottish Halfbred Ewes
The genetic base of the main flock is North Country Cheviot. This is the breed that thrives where others just survive. The ewes have excellent fertility, maternal traits, and longevity. The lambs are up and nursing minutes after birth and running around within an hour. While the breed was developed in the highlands of Scotland where hardiness was imperative, through epigenetics and selection pressure our flock has become highly adaptive to the northeast environment and our low input management style.
We think it is important to produce sheep that can do it on their own without requiring a lot of labor. Recently we have introduced some outside genetics to the flock. We brought in a couple North Country rams with imported Scottish Hill Type AI genetics. They are out of ewes that have evolved with almost no management inputs on an island off the coast of Maine. They are tough as nails. The two rams have shorter legs and are very thick with a lot of body capacity.
In addition to commercial North Country Cheviots, we produce another line known as Scottish Halfbreds. These ewes are the result of Border Leicester rams put on North Country ewes. This cross has been very popular with commercial sheep producers in the UK. The hybrid vigor demonstrated by these ewes is impressive. They are often bred to terminal meat sires like Suffolks or Texels to produce superior carcasses.
We invite you to come to The Finger Lakes and visit the farm to observe our production methods and view our animals. We have commercial North Country Cheviot as well as Scottish Halfbred females available in units of 25 head or more to serious sheep producers. We also have North Country
Cheviot ram lambs and yearlings are for sale individually to commercial sheepmen looking to improve their profits. Alexander Farms is not just the source of the sheep you want but the sheep you need to be a successful, producer.
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